Explore Dhilba Guuranda-Innes National Park

Dhilba is the name of the Southern clan group of Narungga people, and Guuranda means southern land, or southern territory. 

This is a place to step quietly into awe-inspiring scenery and true wilderness; to slow down and absorb the timeless landscapes. 

Dhilba Guuranda-Innes National Park is co-managed by the Narungga Nation Aboriginal Corporation (NNAC) and the Department of Environment and Water (DEW) and its name reflects the ongoing cultural connection between Narungga people and this Country. 

When visiting the Park, be sure to obtain a vehicle permit prior to entry and prepare for the remote conditions - ensure you have enough drinking water, supplies, and sun protection. A quick stop at the Visitor Information Outlet at the entrance to the Park is a great way to start your journey. 

Within the Park you'll discover hiking and historical walks, shipwrecks and lighthouses from another era, ghost towns and the breathtaking Gulawulgawi Ngunda Nhagu lookout. 

Staying in the Park

Wake up to wildlife on your doorstep and birdsong in your ears. The park is able to be enjoyed year-round with a variety of self-con­tained accom­mo­da­tion in the Inneston historic towniship, and picturesque campground sites available. Most are suitable for tents, camper trailers and caravans, though of course, you're best to check individual campground information for all the details. Many campgrounds are located within easy walking distance of beaches, snorkeling locations and stunning coastal views.


Be inspired by Dhilba Guuranda-Innes National Park

The Yorke Peninsula is the traditional lands of the Narungga (Nharangga) people, who have lived on, and cared for, this country since the beginning of time. We work, live and travel on Nharannga Banggara [Country], and we take time away from those pursuits to acknowledge and pay our deep respects to the Nharangga Elders of the past and present. 

Today, it is essential that we continue to care for and protect our spectacular natural environment. Tread lightly and leave no trace. Learn more about responsible and respectful travel on Yorke Peninsula.